Lost Language Center 文具箱
Frequently Used Resources
For background info and references.
GALE 数据库通用入口 (via NYPL)
Literature Resource Center (GALE)
Find biographies, bibliographies, and critical analyses for authors. 种类相对比较全,例如搜索雷·布拉德伯里,搜索结果包括文学批评、关于他的新闻评论、他的作品,神奇的还有为数不少的他的作品的情节的分章 summary 类文章。e.g. Ray Bradbury >> Literature Criticism (392) Biographies (242) Topic & Work Overviews (43) Reviews & News (956) Primary Sources & Literary Works (156) Multimedia (63)
Dictionary of Literary Biography Complete Online (GALE)
Search for biographical articles on the lives, works, and careers of literary figures from all eras and genres 作家人物传记。比较单纯的就是biography。
*两个数据库搜索结果比对:Biography Complete Online出来的结果偏老;Literature Resource Center的结果更与时俱进。
Oxford Family
Oxford Bibliographies: Literary and Critical Theory
Search peer-reviewed annotated bibliographies on topics related to Literary and Critical Theory. 牛津书目。词条只收录最重要的作家。作为搜索工具来说收录的词条太少,但可以作为某领域的入门,比较有帮助的是按主题浏览看它收录的关键概念,比如文艺理论主页面和中国研究主页面。当然还有电影研究、哲学主页面等等。 -
Oxford English Dictionary
Search etymology for every word in the English language. 词典担当。拥有跨越很多个时代的英语例句,找同一单词不同时代的例句时很有用。功能强大,包括当今使用频率、词源、词组。via PKU Library。 -
Oxford Reference
Search encyclopedia and dictionary entries on wide range of academic disciplines. 牛津参考工具书集合。搜索结果包括很多百科全书/专业百科的词条
Credo Reference
Includes searchable electronic versions of 100 reputable encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, atlases, and other reference tools from a wide range of disciplines. 百科汇总。与 Oxford Reference 功能类似,但前者明显更强大和学术。优势是方便查一些基本的人名、地名等。via NYPL
Credo Reference
Cambridge Companions
- Search for background information from the Cambridge Companions on topics related to literature, classics, philosophy, religion, culture, and music. 各种各样的剑桥指南。链接里是文学指南那一块。
EB Online 不列颠百科全书
- Britannica Online Academic Edition
- 暂时在搜索实践中还没发现特别不可替代的地方,可能一是可检索词条比较多,二是还包括world atlas, timelines, world data analyst等等比较有特色的附属功能,三是有时候会搜出来一些好玩的图片和video。
The Johns Hopkins Guide to Theory and Criticism
- offers in-depth encyclopedia entries on literary theorists and critical movements. 专业文学理论家和文学运动的百科词条。网页要付费订阅。浏览 topics 有一定帮助。英文版 The Johns Hopkins Guide to Theory and Criticism 只找到94年版的,外研社有出英文第二版的译本,图书馆联盟有。
The Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary
- 查某个词的历史语义变化。
Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA)
- COCA,以前有一段时间常用。
LibGuides: Literature in English: Reference Works
Frequently Used Databases
The MLA International Bibliography (EBSCO)
tracks scholarship on literature, language, linguistics, and folklore back to 1926. It is both international and multilingual, making it a great general tool for preliminary searching. (As the index is produced in the U.S., there is a natural bias toward anglophone literature and toward works by American scholars.)
Full-text of the full runs of scholarly journals from a range of disciplines. Harvard's subscription includes all journal titles in the JSTOR collection. N.b. there is often a "moving wall" excluding recent issues. 过刊全文,有moving wall,首选搜索。
Project Muse
One of the three major platforms Harvard licenses for university press books, each with a different selection of presses. Project Muse also offers scholarly journals, primarily humanities and social sciences. No restrictions on recent issues (unlike JSTOR). 电子书、期刊,期刊没有时间限制。有现刊。
Nexis Uni
Search for news, business, legal, medical, and congressional information. Note: formerly named Lexis Nexis Academic. 尤其是它包含报纸。
ProQuest Family
- Literature Online (LION, for Anglophone literature) ProQuest
- primary works: 包括一个大型的文学文本库
- reference works: 作者传记库、精选的专业百科全书和学术索引。
- 期刊:现刊库,from ABELL (Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature)
British Humanities Index (ProQuest)
Smaller than JSTOR and Project Muse, the British Humanities Index searches the contents of about 400 scholarly journals in areas like religion, gender studies, theater, cinema, literature, and the fine and performing arts.
Unlike JSTOR and Project Muse, moreover, the British Humanities Index includes some general interest magazines, published in the UK and internationally, and the contents of some newspapers and reports.
收录范围比 Jstor 和 Project Muse要小,但是包括一些一般的非学术的报纸和杂志。
- Arts Premium Collection (ProQuest)
The Arts Premium Collection contains thousands of journal titles, ensuring deep searches of extensive collections in specialist subject areas like art history, architecture and design, cultural theory, film/screen studies, literature, music, performing arts, philosophy, religious studies and more.
Given its breadth and its specialist orientation, moreover, this database also can serve to augment and supplement a search of the smaller British Humanities Index. 补充British Humanities Index的。
Arts & Humanities Full Text (Proquest)
A high-quality collection of about 500 journals and magazines in humanities disciplines. Great for a highly curated interdisciplinary search. 没用过,据说要选题比较明确时用……不知道和 LION 是什么关系。
Google Scholar
Google Scholar
One advantage of Google Scholar is its familiar and intuitive interface; another is its currency. It incorporates full-text into its search algorithms, and that can be an advantage when you've got a very narrow topic or are seeking a "nugget" that traditional library database searching can't surface easily.
Book Reviews
Book reviews appear immediately after a book's initial publication, and anytime up to several years after that.
For Reviews of Trade/Popular and Academic Publications
Book Review Digest Plus (H.W. Wilson)
Search for book reviews from 1983-present in scholarly journals
Book Review Digest Retrospective: 1903-1982 (H.W. Wilson)
Search for book reviews from 1908 to 1982 in scholarly journals
Book Review Index (Gale Literature)
Search for book reviews from journals, newspapers, and magazines
Nexis Uni
Search for news, business, legal, medical, and congressional information. Note: formerly named Lexis Nexis Academic.
Literature Resource Center
Find biographies, bibliographies, and critical analyses for authors.
Readers' Guide Retrospective: 1890-1982 (H.W. Wilson)
Search for magazine articles from major general-interest periodicals published in the US between 1890-1982
For Reviews of Academic Publications
Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature
Search for scholarship related to research on English language and literature published worldwide
Search a collection of important scholarly journals representing a range of disciplines.
Project MUSE
Search for journal articles in the humanities and social sciences published by university presses, including the Duke University Press
Web of Science
Search for articles from scholarly journals in all areas of research
World Shakespeare Bibliography Online
Search for scholarship related to the study of Shakespeare. Includes annotated entries for all important books, articles, book reviews, dissertations, theatrical productions, reviews of productions, and audiovisual materials
- Berlin, German: Springer
- New York, NY: ACM
- Piscataway, NJ: IEEE
- Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society
- New York, NY: IEEE Communications Society
- Madison, WI: Omnipress
- Curran Associates.: New York, NY
- Palo Alto, CA: AAAI Press